Event Video Coming Soon


edible bob

yearly pilgrimage to uncage our collective inner child

an experiment in decentralized grassroots event creation


edible bob (formerly known as EDIDODOB, or Every Day I Dream of Dancing on the Beach) is a 4-year running experiment with community-sourced event creation. A 2-day beach restoration campout serving as an empty container for members of the community to fill with their own flavor of play and connection, and give back to the greater community through a giant coordinated cleanup.



Born of dissatisfaction with societal confinement of dancing to the indoors, with focus on high production value rather than authentic relating...and the realization of how simple and beautiful it is to dance on a beach with the intention of connection.

Taking inspiration from the ways Burning Man inspires new communities to form around shared values, and learn to work together to discover and share their own forms of expression with others. edible bob is part of a continued exploration in how to integrate this type of community activation in everyday life.

Design Tensions

Raw <===>   Planned

Cohesive experience   <===>   Individual autonomy

Inclusivity   <===>   Intimacy

Exploratory Themes

Deepening connections between people at events through shared investment and contributions to vision and execution

Playfulness, return to childhood

Dance in nature


Community-Sourced Projects

Provide the basic logistics (transportation, sound, power)

All ticket sales go into communal fund for projects

Facilitate organic project brainstorming / execution across strangers with Slack

Everyone submits project proposals for funds to bring their vision to life