Night of lights out to make visible the depths of the universe in urban centers
Cities across a region come together to collectively reduce light emissions for a night to get a glimpse the depths of the universe with clarity unknown in urban areas.
(c) Thierry Cohen, San Francisco 37° 48’ 30’’ N 2010-10-09 Lst 20:58
Cities across a region come together to collectively reduce light emissions for a night to get a glimpse the depths of the universe with clarity unknown in urban areas.
Experiential room for the 2017 Agape Halloween party. A meditative, collaborative creative activity, intended to be a portal from the liveliness of the event into a state of relaxation inside yourself.
How might I SHOW this very simply?
Put All-Seeing Eye around neck, enter room at group of 6.
Sit on ottomon, close eyes, feel the vibrations of the chant energize your bones, joints, and flesh as you visualize your spirit separating from your form and floating into the Astral Plane.
Partner up, and use the Astral Projectors to cast your soulhette onto the Astral Plane. After your partner traces and captures your Form, recall your visualizations from the meditation and use the brush pens to recreate the energy.
The Astral Plane. Black art paper covering all walls, blacking out windows.
Moon-shaped light. The only light in the room, set dark enough so you can just see the figures of other people in the room and nothing else.
The Astral Projectors. Narrow-beam blue LED flashlights as the astral projectors, for casting shadows.
The All-Seeing Eyes. Necklaces with eye-shaped amulets containing LEDs, so dim you can only use it to gaze upon one projected soul at a time while close to the Astral Plane.
The Bass Ottomon. Self explanatory. Ottoman with infrasonic speakers, tuned into the singing of the souls in the Astral Plane (a.k.a. Gregorian Chant sound generator).
Metallic caligraphy brush pens
Fine point white gel pens
Rulers, protractors, spirographs
Massive group sport for people of all shapes and sizes
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Birds-eye view generative visuals with humans
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